The Legend of Every 10th Starfish
Starfish in Middletown?! The legend holds a special place in our founder Sandy’s heart so it was incorporated into our brand. This is the preface from Sandy Knauer’s 3rd book, “The Legend of Every 10th Starfish”.
The Legend of Every 10th Starfish
There had been a horrible storm. The skies were just beginning to show patches of blue after what had seemed to be a storm with such fury that the sun would never shine again. Although the winds had begun to quiet down, the waves were still capped with tips of white foam.
The winds and the waves had washed hundreds of starfish up upon the sand. Without being in the water, the starfish were doomed to die. As the man walked along the shoreline, he would count each starfish until he had counted to ten. The man would then pick up every tenth starfish and throw them back into the water.
A stranger walking by watched the man throwing every tenth starfish into the water and said to the man, “Why are you throwing those starfish back into the water? There are hundreds of starfish along this shoreline that will surely die. What does it matter that you throw a few starfish back into the water? What difference can that make?”
Tell every tenth starfish that it doesn’t matter.
The man paused as he was throwing a starfish back into the ocean and turned to the stranger. “Tell every tenth starfish that it doesn’t matter,” the kind man replied. The stranger was speechless.
Life is like that, don’t you think? Some professionals wonder what difference one child’s welfare can mean when there are so many other children who have similar problems. This book is the story of the tenth “starfish”. Try telling the tenth “starfish” that one person’s efforts don’t make a difference!