I Understand Grace
I’ve never been particularly religious, although I do believe in a Higher Power. I see God everywhere. When a family comes in for treatment who has been through a horrendous occurrence or someone has endured after the worst possible loss, I see how God has helped them get through the most difficult of times. I have experienced this in my own life. I see God in a child’s eyes when they are bewitched by the magic of life. As adults, we sometimes have lost the ability to witness just what a miracle life really is.
I’ve never been able to understand exactly what the term “grace” meant, though. To me grace was something that was said before a meal to give thanks to God for His (or Her… I refuse to give up the idea that God might be feminine) bounty. After much time and thought, I finally think I have discovered what grace really is.
Whenever someone has something wonderful happen to them, others who are less fortunate might be envious and ask, “Why them and not me?” To me this is where grace enters in. Despite all of the short comings each one of us possess, God still sees fit to bless us with wonderful things… even though we might not have earned it. What a miserable world this would be if we only received that which we have earned! If we were honest with others (and especially ourselves), we will quickly realize all of our frailties.
We need to step back and allow others to be blessed with God’s grace. Put envy and greed aside and really rejoice with others when they are blessed with good fortune. Our turn will come also. Each one of us gets our fair share of joy and sorrow. By allowing others to enjoy their good fortune, we demonstrate that we have no need to be envious or greedy. We can rest assured that we too shall share in God’s bounty.
Grace…what a wonderful comfort to realize that despite all of our pettiness, God still loves and values us. Now if only we could learn to do that ourselves!