Although the heart has a tremendous ability to love, in some people it also has the equal ability to be self-serving and cruel.  I have had clients who have been married a relatively short time who have managed to rip each other to shreds emotionally.  Some dates last longer than some marriages.

What troubles me the most are the clients who have marriages of long duration who fall victim to affairs and treachery.  One client in particular concerned me.  It was a client who had been married for over thirty years whose husband had left her penniless while he had transferred all of their financial assets into his name alone.  The woman had no job skills and no contacts outside of her relationship with her soon to be ex-husband and their child.

When I first met this client, her life was totally in shambles.  She mourned the loss of her “perfect” family and the life style they had once enjoyed.  As we talked, I had the unfortunate task of informing my client that nothing in her marriage was as it had seemed. 

People in “perfect” marriages don’t leave their partner penniless and take to living with another woman.

As we talked, my client began to calm down and listen to what I was telling her.  I told her she was mourning an illusion that hadn’t existed for years.  She needed to be practical and find a way to support herself and her child if she was going to exist in any sort of fashion.

One of the biggest things I was able to do was to call my former clients who all were members of The First Wives Club.  I don’t know if you are familiar with the movie of the same name.  It starred several popular female stars that joined forces when their spouses left them for younger women.  Because of their friendship, the women were able to prosper and totally make their ex-husband’s lives miserable.

I am by no means  a man hater.  In fact, I like men and wouldn’t want to live without the opposite sex.  I do dislike cruelty and dishonesty regardless of the gender of the person.  Be they men or women we owe it to our partners to be honest and kind.

What became of this client?  She went on to live a life filled with friends and things she enjoyed.  She had to develop some job skills which she was able to do in short time.  More than anything, she learned that she didn’t have to stay in a marriage where she wasn’t loved or treated well.

What became of all the money her husband had absconded with?  Let’s just put it this way…that’s why God created forensic accountants.  Never underestimate the power of a group of women when they have been wronged.

Why can’t we live by the Golden Rule?  Why is it when we leave childhood behind, we also leave behind all the moral and values some of us are taught?  When love dies, kindness and compassion sometimes fall by the wayside.

If you are in a good relationship, give your partner a big hug and tell him or her how much they mean to you.  Never take your relationship for granted.  Treat your partner like you would like to be treated and never ever be too busy for your friends!